quiz rooted in the team's insights segmentation and flavor profiles that people can take for wine recommendations. "Launching this was really exciting for us because we're trying to be more digital," says Cleveland. "That's where we see shoppers going." It was an opportunity to push out pre-shop communications - with a light digital media buy behind a program for the first time - rather than just relying on awareness in-store. Recent results showed more than 1,000% engagement with the text-to-receive-content versus a traditional text-to-win, he says. "Finding that we would get more engagement when we offer fun content instead of dangling a carrot for a prize was a great learning for us in that we can engage with shoppers without offering something other than a way to interact with our brand." Cleveland says e-commerce will continue to be the biggest challenge facing shopper marketing as teams test and learn to flip what is traditional shopper marketing to be more digital-centric in their communication platforms. "Having a shopper marketing strategy that is the full path to purchase is going to be critical to continue to communicate, and that means evolving our tactics substantially," he says. "Ecommerce will continue to expand into shoppers' lives, and it's on us to evolve with it." - Erika Flynn SEPTEMBER 2017 SHOPPER MARKETING y 49