8 Editorial: Bill Schober 14 Solution Provider News 16 K-C, Meijer & Disney Kimberly-Clark and Meijer build on the success of their 2016 effort with a sweepstakes and instant-win game this year that engage shoppers further. 20 Perfect Summer Partners Treasure Cave and Frank's RedHot pair complementary products for a summer campaign that includes a plethora of digital and in-store activity. 137 Guide to Shopper Marketing Agencies Kimberly-Clark and Meijer, Page 16 106 So-Lo-Mo Central A roundup of social, local and mobile marketing activity at retail from: n Facebook's Instagram n YouTube n Facebook Messenger n #Hashoff n Snapchat n Senion and Emaar Malls n Retale n Battington and FaceCake Marketing Technologies n Tobii Pro n Conair Corp.'s Cuisinart 116 Activation Gallery: Clicks & Brickshttps://www.cdsreportnow.com/renew/now?smm2PNXTBKS https://www.cdsreportnow.com/renew/now?smmPNXTBKS