K-Y These K-Y products from RB may have been behind the pharmacy counter years ago, but now they have become "mainstream." And these two attractive counter/shelf displays do a fine job of displaying the product in a highclass and delicate way while still getting across the main benefits. The identical thermoformed units get different copy and graphics. The subject matter is handled very nicely by the brand through its displays. Delicately and nicely done. Goodyear Can there be a display when there is no display present? If you said no, guess again. Take a look at this warehouse club presentation of Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.'s The product is tires. Good displays the display. make the product the center of attention, clearly show what is on sale and detail the prices for every item. Every one of these factors is in this presentation, so there is no need to gild the lily with extraneous material. Kudos to whoever set this up. SEPTEMBER 2017 SHOPPER MARKETING y 125